Periodico 001 02 17 and Four Proposals for Future Covers

Please join us for the launch of the first issue of Periodico magazine.

Also, the first four editions under the title "Proposals for Future Covers" will be shown at MAVRA. The editions were kindly contributed by Anders Edstrom, Karl Holmqvist, Amy Lien and Enzo Camacho, and Ilya Lipkin.

PERIODICO 001 02 17
With contributions by: Enzo Camacho, Ursina Gysi, Karl Holmqvist, Miriam Laura Leonardi, Amy Lien, Ilya Lipkin, Julia Moritz, Bob Nickas, Naoki Suter-Shudo, Timothy Standring, Sabrina Tarasoff, Jan Vorisek, Christopher Williams

In Berlin, Periodico is available at Motto and ProQm. More info here: